English version


CRIC is a non-profit association for the promotion of ethical and sustainable investment and sees itself as both an information platform and a centre of competence. The aim of CRIC’s activities is to encourage business and the economy to give greater weight to environmental, social and cultural considerations. 

To promote ethical/sustainable investment, CRIC engages in dialogue with representatives from the economy, politics and society. The association sees itself as a mouthpiece for the idea of ethical and sustainable investment and actively interfaces with the various stakeholder groups.

CRIC is the largest investor community for the promotion of ethical and sustainable investment in the German-speaking countries.

CRIC was founded in 2000 as a follow-up initiative to the Frankfurt-Hohenheim Guidelines, has more than 100 members, predominantly in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, and is based in Frankfurt-on-Main.

In addition, a postcard summarizes the key points briefly and concisely. 


Providing information and educating people about ethical and sustainable investment: More and more people are interested in investments that factor in social, environmental and cultural criteria. By providing information and education, CRIC aims to play a part in increasing awareness and competence among investors and of financial service providers alike.

Promoting a fair and future-proof market economy: Companies find themselves facing major challenges, as sustainable development calls for new ways of doing business. As part of its engagement activities, CRIC is involved in constructive dialogue with companies to address these challenges.

Research on ethical and sustainable investment issues: Many issues surrounding ethical and sustainable investment require more in-depth analysis. The scientific working group CRICTANK is dedicated to examining issues of investment ethics.


  • Awareness raising and competence development regarding ethical/sustainable investment in the social, political, scientific and business spheres – for example through courses, lectures and publications, events and workshops.
  • Engagement – constructive dialogue with companies, political stakeholders and financial markets 
  • Accompanying academic research – specialist conferences, workshops and projects as part of CRICTANK’s activities, e.g. on the following issues: possibilities and limitations of exclusion criteria, impact of ethical and sustainable investments, definition of responsible investors, ethical/sustainable property investments.
  • National and international  networking


CRIC's members support it in promoting and developing ethical/sustainable investment. They perform an important social function here by giving momentum to sustainable development and pioneering a sustainable financial market.

CRIC welcomes new members who want to make their investments socially responsible and environmentally sustainable. These may include both private and institutional actors, such as church investors, foundations, non-governmental organisations, financial service providers, pension funds, etc.


We would be delighted to hear from you. 

CRIC e.V. 
Niddastr. 74  
60329 Frankfurt am Main
Tel.: +49 (0)69 405 66691

The CRIC management team would be pleased to answer any questions you may have: 

Dr. Claudia Döpfner (Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!)

© 2023 CRIC e.V. Association for the Promotion of Ethics and Sustainability in Investment. All Rights Reserved.
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